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240 record(s) that match your
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9/21/2022 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Behavior Assessments | On the Sidelines Pulse Rate Non Participation Sheet | 6-8 | 80,469 | |
12/3/2021 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Frisbee Throwing | Disc Golf/Frisbee Golf Rules for Beginners | 6-8 | 16,782 | |
4/10/2020 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | For Parents | Ask Me about ... Throwing, Catching, Volleyball, etc. | K-12 | 97,956 | |
2/8/2020 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Dribbling | Basketball Hand Dribbling Assessment | 3-5 | 30,407 | |
8/17/2019 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Peer Assessments | Peer Assessment for Skills and Integrating Math in PE | 3-5 | 7,939 | |
1/17/2019 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Components of Fitness Assessment (Plickers) | 3-5 | 23,340 | |
12/12/2018 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Healthy Happy Heart Booklet | 1-2 | 70,991 | |
5/16/2018 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Jumping and Landing | Jump Rope Skills-Yearly Growth Evaluations | 3-5 | 15,074 | |
1/19/2018 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Pedometers | Checking for Understanding Exit Ticket Assessment | 3-6 | 13,620 | |
1/16/2018 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Hockey | Buddy Hockey Assessment-Skill Handling for Floor/Street Hockey | 3-6 | 10,954 | |
8/7/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Health Related Fitness Components | 3-5 | 48,814 | |
4/24/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Locomotor Movements | Assessing Basic Physical Skills for K-2 (Rubric) | K-2 | 18,307 | |
1/31/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Hockey | Ice Hockey Knowledge Assessment (for Plickers) | 3-5 | 11,744 | |
1/26/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Heart Rate Monitors | How to Use Heart Rate Monitors (HRM) Worksheet | 3-5 | 12,428 | |
1/13/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Aquatics | Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics) | 6-8 | 16,469 | |
11/5/2016 | 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas | Basketball Skills | March Madness Basketball Activities | K-12 | 82,249 | |
11/3/2016 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Dribbling | Fingerpad Basketball Dribbling | K-2 | 52,433 | |
10/27/2016 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Movement Concepts | Movement Concepts (Pathways, Levels, Body Shapes) with Rubric | K-2 | 20,419 | |
7/29/2016 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Yoga | Feelings/Reactions during a Yoga Unit | K-2 | 15,003 | |
7/20/2016 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Fitness Concepts Awareness | K-2 | 21,415 | |
2/23/2016 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Overhand Throw Critical Cues Assessment | 3-5 | 31,398 | |
10/20/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Nutrition | MyPlate Food Classification Assessment | 1-2 | 14,767 | |
10/20/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Dance | Line Dance Peer Evaluation Assessment | 9-12 | 17,998 | |
10/20/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Manipulative Skills | Activity Skills Assessment (Throw, Catch, Dribble, Kick, Volley) | 3-5 | 27,206 | |
10/19/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Smart Goals | Smart Goal Example (Elementary) | 3-5 | 47,950 | |
10/8/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Underhand vs. Overhand Throwing Assessment | K-2 | 39,424 | |
9/22/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Muscles | Identifying Major Muscle Groups: Lower Body | 3-5 | 17,374 | |
9/15/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Locomotor Movements | Locomotor Skills Demonstration Assessment | 2 | 18,260 | |
9/15/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Muscles | Identifying Major Muscle Groups | 3-5 | 20,246 | |
9/15/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Understanding Health-Related Fitness Components | 3-5 | 27,711 | |
9/10/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Underhand Rolling | K-2 | 20,648 | |
8/19/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Cooperative Learning | Cooperation Assessment | 3rd and Up | 95,124 | |
8/19/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Gymnastics | Gymnastics Sequence | 3-5 | 42,324 | |
3/11/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Tests | Fitness Stations Self Assessment | K-2 | 45,528 | |
3/6/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Jumping and Landing | Jump Rope Skills Assessment | 3-5 | 21,918 | |
3/6/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Striking with Implements | Tennis Racket Labeling Assessment | K-2 | 13,390 | |
2/24/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Dribbling | Basketball Hand Dribbling Teachers Cue Checklist | 2-4 | 47,109 | |
2/20/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Jumping and Landing | Jump Rope Peer Assessment | 3-5 | 24,026 | |
1/7/2015 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Striking with Implements | Tennis Written Pre-test | 6-8 | 19,329 | |
10/9/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Basketball | Basketball Reflection/Skills Learned Assessment | 3-5 | 34,738 | |
8/14/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Striking with Implements | Batting Assessment | 4-8 | 27,956 | |
8/14/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Hockey | Hockey Assessment | 6-8 | 19,720 | |
6/25/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness | Fitness Homework | 6-8 | 47,538 | |
6/23/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness | BMI Fitness Homework | 6-8 | 21,805 | |
6/23/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness | Flexibility Fitness Homework | 6-8 | 18,470 | |
5/12/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Cooperative Learning | Cooperation Self-Reflection in PE | 4-5 | 33,904 | |
4/30/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Rollerskating/blading | Roller-skating Assessment | 4-5 | 34,990 | |
4/30/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Fitness Santa | K-5 | 47,560 | |
4/30/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Basketball | Understanding the Key Points for Basketball Skills | 6-8 | 82,839 | |
4/30/2014 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Basketball | Man-Defense in Basketball Part II | 6-8 | 31,135 |
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