To post a PreK-College Health and/or Physical Education related teaching job vacancy, accurately complete the following form. Your job opening will be posted on PE Central for 3 months unless you indicate a shorter period of time below. If you wish the job opening to be posted for a longer period of time contact us at "". Please contact us if you fill your position before the expiration date. We will gladly remove the position opening for you.

We only post positions for vacancies in USA Schools.

* = Required Field!

Contact Person
This is the person that potential employees should contact if they need more information about the job.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
(Examples: Superintendent, Principal, Secretary, Professor, etc.)
E-mail (type accurately):

Position Information
This information describes the position opening in detail. We only post positions for vacancies in USA Schools.
*Position Name:
(Examples: Elementary PE Teacher, Secondary Health Teacher, Assistant Professor, etc.)
Grade Level of Opening:
(Example: K-5, 6-12, 6-8, University, etc.)
*Application Deadline
(Date all application materials need to be submitted, can write ASAP or write a date (dd/mm/yyyy))

Description of Job Duties/Responsibilities:

Additional Information:
(Examples: entry level salaries, info about school or University, application procedures, equal opportunity statement, etc.)
*Date you want posting removed from PE Central (mm/dd/yyyy) (removed after 3 months):
(Example: Must write this way - mm/dd/yyyy, or use the calendar on the right to choose date.)

IMPORTANT: Job openings are automatically removed after the date you enter or after 3 months. If you fail to use the date format above or the date you selected is more than three months from now, your listing will be removed after three months.
Application Materials and Information:
This information is for applicants to use to mail you the appropriate application materials. Please be accurate with this information.
School, School District, or Company Name:

Postal Address:



(Example: Superintendent, Personnel Office, Persons Name, etc.)

If you fill your job openings before the date you indicate please let us know via e-mail ( so we can remove your job opening.