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Name of Activity:

Identifying Major Muscle Groups: Lower Body

Purpose of Activity:

To determine if the student can identify and label the location of the lower body muscle groups.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Writing utensils, Lower Muscle Group Assessment Sheet

Description of Idea

This assessment is great to do after you have taught your kids the major muscle groups of the lower body. If you do not have time in class for the kids to complete, ask their classroom teacher to administer it and get you the completed worksheets.

The student will write the number (1-5) identifying the name of the muscle next to the line that points to that muscle.

Lower Muscle Group Assessment Sheet

Submitted by Bradley Hoback who teaches at Snow Creek Elementary in Penhook, VA. Additional authors for this idea were Tod Stubbs. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/22/2015.
Viewed 17362 times since 9/16/2015.

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Identifying Major Muscle Groups: Lower Body

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