Thanks for your interest in sharing your bulletin board idea with us. You MUST upload a picture of your board to get your idea submitted so make sure you have taken a good picture of the board and you know where to find it on your computer. If the image is too dark, not right side up, or is simply a poor picture we will automatically reject the idea.
If we publish your lesson plan/idea on PE Central, you will receive a FREE online course registration. You have four courses you can choose from. We will send you details on the enrollment process after your idea is published on PE Central. Limit 4 awards per person per year.
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Bulletin Board Publication Criteria
The following are the guiding questions our team uses to review and evaluate submitted bulletin boards. Chances are your board will not be chosen for publication if it is not clearly communicating an educational message to your students.
- Is the board communicating a specific message (or messages) regarding PE and/or health that is educating students about a topic or topics?
- Does the board follow the guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate physical education as developed by NASPE. Please do not submit boards that showcase Fitness Test Winner or times/results as that is considered inappropriate.
- Is the bulletin board unique and not currently published on PE Central.
- Is the description and explanation of the board clear and to the point.
- Can a teacher in the field easily replicate the board based on what is submitted. Therefore it is important for you to describe what is on the board especially if the words and image are not that clear.
- Is the picture right side up and clear
- Please be sure to photograph and/or fully describe the specific content students are learning in order for the audience to replicate your submission.
- Has the the board been published in another journal, book, or on another web site?
* = Required Field
Bulletin Board Information: