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Name of Activity:

Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics)

Purpose of Activity:

To improve all swim strokes and assess how students are performing each stroke.

Suggested Grade Level:


Description of Idea

This is a peer evaluation that breaks down the basic swim strokes and gives details for the students to look for when peer evaluating.

Provided below are the Word documents and PDF document of the assessments used for this swimming unit. You are welcome to add to and change the Word document to better meet your needs.

Swim Strokes Unit Assessment (Word Doc)
Swim Strokes Unit Assessment (PDF)

The culmination of the unit is a swim meet which makes it all worth while.

Submitted by Kim Thompson who teaches at Addison Central School in Addison, NY. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 1/13/2017.
Viewed 16469 times since 1/12/2017.

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Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics)

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Previous Comments:

Steve Ellis Minneapolis Public Schools

Excellent assessment for this age group. I'd be more then willing to try it out if I had a pool army school.

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