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Name of Activity:

Baby Shark Cardio Drumming

Purpose of Activity:

To have students practice rhythm while maintaining a steady beat.


I usually complete a rhythm lesson with just the drumsticks on the floor first. This is where I teach safety while using drumsticks on the floor.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

*One stability ball and base for each student.
*One base, 5 gallon bucket, laundry basket, or similar for the ball to sit on.
*Set of drumsticks, or lummi sticks for each student.
*Written Routine Steps (PDF)

Description of Idea

I teach a cardio drumming unit once a year; however, once the routine is taught it can be used as a warm up throughout the year. Can be used for grades 3-5 as well.

To teach the actual routine we usually sit in a circle and I teach the students the routine while they are sitting. This allows me to help any of the students are are struggling. This is where I also teach the students rhythm and how to count. I only do this at the start of the cardio drumming routine. I use this dance steps handout.

Below is a video of my kindergarten students performing the routine.

In addition, here is blog I wrote about this routine.

Teaching Suggestions:

I have taught numerous cardio drumming routines. I found it works best if "You", the teacher, teach the routine instead of showing the kids video. Keep the routine notes and/or videos next to you as you teach if needed.

Beach balls are a cheaper alternative to stability balls. In addition, you can cut a pool noodle into fourths and use these as drum sticks. If you have any students that have problems with keeping their hands to themselves, the noodle option is a solution to this issue. The third, fourth and fifth grade students loved to perform this routine as a warm-up.


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Baby Shark Cardio Drumming

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Previous Comments:

Jennifer Butler

This is awesome! First yr PE teacher you have a favorite rhythm lesson to teach prior to this one?


With Covid19, my school is doing remote learning. In Google Classroom,I sent a video of myself following your lesson plan (with very slight modifications) and asked the kids to follow along. Since I am in an urban setting, I gave kids options to make their own drums (depending on tolerance for noise levels): a box, upside down waste paper basket, or a pillow on a chair. For drum sticks: wooden spoons. Lots of fun!!


What CD is this song on? Thanks! Great activity!


This is such an awesome and creative rhythms activity. I'm going to do this with my summer school students!!!

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