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NFL Play 60

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Name of App:

NFL Play 60

Recommended Grade Level:






Device Used On:

iPad, iPod, iPhone

Cost of App:


Download Site:

Download Site (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.heart.play60&hl=en

Primary Use:

Teaching the pros and cons of active gaming.
Getting active as a classroom reward or for indoor recess.

How App is used in classroom/gym:

In PE set up pedometer stations and have students reset pedometers at each station and record their number of steps on a track sheet. Some examples of stations could be: Soccer or hockey dribble and shoot, steppers, jump rope, basketball dribble and shoot, iPads playing NFL Play 60, or any other active gaming app. At the end of class compare total number of steps from each station. Ask why students got more steps at some stations and less at others.

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Submitted by Sandy Hagenbach in De Pere, WI.   Thanks for contributing to PE Central!   Posted on PEC: 4/29/2016 5:46:56 PM.   Viewed 9662 times since 4/29/2016.

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