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Name of Activity:

Snowflake, Snowflake

Purpose of Activity:

To practice locomotor and listening skills.


Various locomotor skills and moving in general space

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Large space and a stop and go signal (drum).

Description of Idea

Students pretend to be snowflakes. The teacher will say, "Snowflake, snowflake, falling down, snowflake snowflake ________ (put in a locomotor move) around." The students carefully move about in general space performing that particular locomotor move. When the teacher strikes the drum, students must freeze and listen. The teacher will repeat, "Snowflake snowflake falling down, snowflake snowflake __________ around."

Here are some suggestions: walk, jump, skip, hop, skate, gallop, run, tip toe, crab walk, roll, slither, and some imaginative ones like, dance, monkey, silly walk, and fly.


Add concepts such as moving in different directions and pathways to instructions for locomotor movement.

Submitted by Kristin Toland who teaches at Moton Early Childhood Center in Hampton, VA. Additional authors for this idea were none. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 6/13/2007.
Viewed 104462 times since 2/2/2007.

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Snowflake, Snowflake

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Previous Comments:

Omari Adderley

This is a great exercise! The kids that I teach love it! I added flying, driving, and motor biking to the list of movements.

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