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Name of Activity:

Hulu Hoop Colors

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Hula Hoops in different colors

Description of Idea

Teacher will lay out hulu hoops all over the gym or wherever there is enough space before students arrive.

Make sure you have different colors all around the area. Tell the children to dance to the music and when the music stops, find a hulu hoop; 1 hoop per student. Once they find a hulu hoop ask them to shout out what color they are in. This is a great way for them to reinforce their colors in a fun way.

If you feel the students are able to shout out their colors really well, shout out what color you want them to find. Call out blue, students dance to closest blue hoop. Each student puts one foot into the hoop then listens for next color. They can share hoop when teacher calls the color.


Use dance moves or different locomotor skills.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

If you have a child who is in a wheelchair, instead try using big colored paper taped to the ground so that they are able to participate.

Submitted by Meghan De Groodt in Sutter, CA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 2/1/2017.
Viewed 82717 times since 12/13/2016.

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Hulu Hoop Colors

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Have been teaching Preschool and Kindergarten for the past 4 years. Have always played this game during gym. Especially during the beginning of the year. The students love it. The students are learning about colours, learning to pay attention and take directions. I definitely recommend it!

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