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Name of Activity:

Locomotor Skills with Locomotion Dance

Purpose of Activity:

To allow students to practice basic locomotor skills as well as interpret directions and non-locomotor movements

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Music player.

Recommended music:

“The Locomotion” by Little Eva

Description of Idea

The dance is a series of basic locomotor skills done in rhythmic patterns. It also incorporates action words like wobble, wiggle, and march, as well as directional words like up, down, right and left.

Combination #1 – 32 counts
1-8 - Slide to the R by stepping out with the R foot and closing with the L foot (1-2) Repeat for counts 3-4. Jump 4x in place (5-8)
1-8 – Lift R hand to the side with the palm UP, left L hand to the side with the palm UP (1-2), turn R palm DOWN, turn L palm DOWN (3-4), raise both hands UP above the head and lower both hands DOWN to the knees (5-6) repeat this UP-DOWN action for counts 7-8. Cue with UP-UP-DOWN-DOWN-UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN.
Repeat both of the sets of 8 moving to the L.

Combination #2 – 24 counts
1-8 – Gallop to the front leading with the R leg for counts 1&2&3&4. Switch lead legs and gallop leading L for counts 5&6&7&8.
1-8 - WOBBLE step. Shifting weight from side to side step wide from RLRLRLRL
1-8 – Take 4 skips moving to back, RLRL. Each skip is 2 counts.

Combination #3 –
1-8 - March in place RLRL, WIGGLE the hips RLRL. This goes with the words of the song.
1-8 – March 8 in place RLRLRLRL
1-8 – Jump to the front and hold (1-4), jump to the back and hold (5-8)
1-8 – 8 running steps to form a single line or several single lines within the classroom.

The dance begins again only this time it is done with several students in line one behind the other. After completing the movements again the students will run back to their original spots and do the dance one more time in a scatter formation.

Assessment Ideas:

Students can be assessed on the proper execution of the basic locomotor skills of jumping, sliding, galloping, skipping, and running. They can also be assessed on their ability to remember the sequence of the patterns and their rhythmic skills.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Children with limited mobility can do this dance totally with arm movements which could imitate the locomotor skills.


Submitted by Brenda Goodwin Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/31/2016.
Viewed 87248 times since 3/30/2016.

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Locomotor Skills with Locomotion Dance

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Previous Comments:

Michael OHAGAN

Awesome! This is a great intro for me and my students to dance.

Ginny Reynolds

Super instructions and dance!

Patty Stippec

The video is not connecting

Coach Leen

I really like the idea, but I have some difficultty dealing with boys
Do you have any ideas
Contact me please :

Destiny Phillips

I can't wait to get the children I work with up and moving with these activities! The kids will definitely enjoy these!

Rita Beardsley

I cannot wait to try this dance. I love the steps. I think my K-2 kids will love it and the movements are very important for young kids to learn. The speed of the dance seems perfect as well. Thanks for posting it!


Thanks so much! I am teaching my daughter and this is a great PE idea!!

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