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PE Rules

Purpose of Activity:

To put forth a number of ideas of rules that can be posted so children know the rules of the PE classroom.

Suggested Grade Level:


Description of Idea

The following are rules that physical educators have submitted to PE Central. PE Central does not endorse or suggest using any of these rules in your classroom. They are put forth so other teachers can see what others are using and therefore it may be helpful to use some of these ideas in your own classroom. It is best to formulate your own rules and consequences based on your expectations, students, and situation. We sincerely appreciate those who have submitted their ideas

Click here for a long list of PE Rules

Chittick Champion Physical Education Class Rules

Excellent PE Rules and Consequences from One Teacher (PDF)

Submitted by Mark Manross. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/8/2014.
Viewed 131764 times since 7/18/2012.

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PE Rules

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Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



Previous Comments:

Dawn Sullivan

When students have to take time to gain self control I use a sand timer. Once the timer is up, he/she can re-enter. I always follow up as to why a self control time was needed.


During "time outs" I use visual cue cards to cool down. Once the students reaches the last card they may come to me and ask to re enter class if they have cooled down. Tye students may also put themselves on the time out mat when they feel they cannot handle a situation. Again i have visual cool down books and papers of how to regain composure.


Under " Be Attentive " you have " treat teachers / Classmates and others with respect" . Which should be under " Be respectful and Safe " . Otherwise nice wanted to use it for my own but since it's a pdf file you can take credit for your misplace of words

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