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Sing Song Yoga

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Name of App:

Sing Song Yoga

Recommended Grade Level:






Device Used On:

iPhone, iPad

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Primary Use:

Teaching Yoga to young students.
Teaching physical literacy with literacy!

How App is used in classroom/gym:

You can customize your yoga sequence with this app. The yoga instructor sings/rhymes the directions and the directions can be read at the bottom of the screen. It is a great way to incorporate literacy into your PE classroom.

I teach smooth transitions flow, levels, symmetrical/asymmetrical and strength/flexibility/balance using this app. At the beginning of the class I scatter S&S Worldwide yoga cards on the floor with a cone by each. I play music and when it stops I call out Copy Cat. Students go to a card and copy the pose. If I am working on the concept of symmetrical/asymmetrical students must identify their pose as either symmetrical or asymmetrical. I project a picture on the screen of various symmetrical and asymmetrical poses to help them with the concept. After this warm up we do a sequence from the Sing Song Yoga app that uses symmetrical and asymmetrical poses. We identify each pose as we go. Then students put together their own flow using 3 yoga poses. One pose must be symmetrical, one must be asymmetrical and the third is their choice. As groups perform their flow the class identifies each pose as symmetrical or asymmetrical. Check out this YouTube video to see the app in action.

As a bonus here is a task card on levels that you could incorporate as well.

Submitted by Sandy Hagenbach in De Pere, WI.   Thanks for contributing to PE Central!   Posted on PEC: 5/7/2016 7:57:25 PM.   Viewed 14239 times since 5/7/2016.

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