Teaches the concept of energy in equals energy out. To teach students about the amount of sugar, salt and oil hidden in their food. With a single device project the app in a gym to be used in Physical Education.
How App is used in classroom/gym:
Single Device: The teacher sets up players by gender, age and activity level. When students play the game the app will tell them if the food they smash has more than or less than the recommended amount of sugar, salt or oil for a meal. Students need a task card and three chips. Before the food is smashed they place a chip on one exercise from each category: sugar, salt and oil. Project the app and have students guess the amount of salt, sugar and oil in different foods and then smash the food to discover how close they are to being correct. The reps for the exercise are determined by the amount of salt, sugar or oil in the food. For example: students must do a strength activity for oil. If they put a chip on curls and there are 15 oils in a food, the students must do 15 curls.
The game may also be accessed free through the site Food N' Me. It can be used in a classroom as a brain break. The task card along with directions and a link to the web site can be sent home and used as a home activity.
Fitness components can also be taught. Sugar is always an aerobic activity. Salt is always a flexibility activity. Since many of the food have a low salt number, the number of shakes of salt, I have students multiple the number of shakes of salt in a food times five. (Second grade I just have them double it)
Oil is always a strength activity.
This video shows how to use the app with multiple devices and a single device.
Submitted by Sandy Hagenbach in De Pere, WI. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 4/16/2016 4:50:19 PM. Viewed 7416 times since 4/16/2016.
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