Instant activity or fitness and practicing Right and Left. Need multiple devices.
How App is used in classroom/gym:
Spread blue, green, yellow and red dots around the perimeter of the gym. Place iPads in a circle in the middle of the gym. I flip over rectangular tubs that have a "lip" on them and place the iPads on the tubs.
Level 1; Student go to an iPad and see what Twister direction is given such as Left Foot Green. They then run to a Green dot and and touch it with their Left Foot. Mix up the way of moving to the dots using skipping, galloping, sliding.
Level 2: Give an activity for students to do that corresponds with a foot and with a hand, such as Hop 10 times for Foot and 10 Mountain Climbers for Hand. Student go to an iPad and see what Twister direction is given such as Left Foot Green. Students run to a Green dot and Hop 10 times on their Left Foot. If the directions were Right Hand Red, students would run to a Red dot and put their Right Hand on the dot while they did 10 Mountain Climbers. Mix up the way of moving to the dots using skipping, galloping, sliding.
Level 3: As students are playing iPad Twister call out different activities to correspond with the Foot and Hand. Foot: Jumping Jacks, lunges, squats, Tree Pose, Hand:Downward Dog, shoulder touches, push-ups, burps
Level 3 can be used with older students. Make sure students look for the Right or Left direction on the screen. The hand and foot are large but the Right & Left directions are smaller. Warn students to be careful not to slip on spots.
Also, the app goes through the selection of body part and color VERY quickly, so it would need to be stopped in between each activity or teacher would need to oversee it.
Submitted by Sandra Hagenbach in De Pere, WI. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 8/31/2014 3:55:55 PM. Viewed 7818 times since 8/31/2014.
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