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Interactive White Boards



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Primary Use:

Used for Whiteboard Demonstration of activities, fields, plays, etc.

How App is used in classroom/gym:

I use this paired with AppleTV or www.airserver.com, a projector and screen to turn my iPad into a interactive whiteboard. I can then draw and demonstrate plays, drills, game rules and boundaries on the whiteboard for the whole class/team to see.

Includes diagrams and maps for more than 30 sports.

Submitted by JERRY GARDNER in SEDRO WOOLLEY, WA.   Thanks for contributing to PE Central!   Posted on PEC: 1/8/2014 6:20:09 PM.   Viewed 15532 times since 1/8/2014.

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Kevin Tiller

GREAT APP!!! I use it as a visual for my lesson plans. You can create a diagram, take a screen shot, and then insert it into a document.


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