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Name of Activity:

Ultimate Shadow Frisbee

Purpose of Activity:

To teach students how to move in Ultimate frisbee and other invasion games and emphasizes the importance of accurate passes.


Forehand and backhand disc throw. Athletic stance.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

One disc for every two students
Peer Athletic Stance Assessment Rubric

Description of Idea

Ultimate Shadow follows the rules of Ultimate frisbee. The difference is that students work in pairs and are playing against their own shadows (no one). Students score when they catch the disk in the end zone. The shadow team scores when the disc is dropped, goes out of bounds, or a player moves with the disc.

See video below for more information and use the Peer Athletic Stance Assessment Rubric as well.


You can modify the equipment used to make this a lead up game for other sports. It can also be used with scoring in a goal for games like lacrosse.

Modifications can include the use of a goalie and minimum number of passes before scoring.

Modify the object that is being caught.

Modify time limits.

Modify movement with the disc.

Use passive defense.

Other modifications that allow the student to be challenged at the appropriate level.

Assessment Ideas:

Pre and post test with a teams ultimate shadow score from the beginning and end of the unit. Subtract the shadow teams score from the players score to get the assessment score. Example: students 10 points, shadows 7 points, net score for students is 3 points. Did the students improve? By how much? Create a scoring rubric that fits your students skill level.

Also, use the provided Peer Athletic Stance Assessment Rubric.


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Ultimate Shadow Frisbee

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Previous Comments:

G. J. Amato

Yeahhh. At least some one still has children change clothes for Physical Education. In addition, every one is active so time on task is great, plus the progressions for teaching are good. Lastly, different objects were used to throw and catch. Second lastly - YEAHHHH - no music to distract the student's attention plus the teacher can give verbal feedback at any time. Good teaching style.


That is so cool i never thot of that.i am a pe teacher to

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