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Name of Activity:

Stuck Like Glue 4-Wall Line Dance (April/May 2011)

Purpose of Activity:

To perform a 4-wall country themed line dance, staying with the music and remembering the sequence of the steps.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:


Recommended music:

Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland

Beginning dance formation:

Students can be arranged in rows, in a large circle, or spread randomly around the gym.

Description of Idea

This dance is 32 counts and can be taught with or without the turns.

Step 1: Twist Step – Cue with: heels-toes-heels-toes-R heel, toe- heel-toe.
With both feet together swivel both heels to the L (1), followed by the toes to the L (2), repeat heels to the L followed by toes to the L (3-4).
Place R heel to the front (5), touch the R toe next to L foot (6), repeat placing the R heel forward (7), and touching R toes back next to L foot (8).

Step 2: Grapevines R and L with scuff at end of each grapevine.
Adding a turn: Grapevine to the R ending with a scuff of the L foot (1-4); Grapevine to the L ending with a scuff on the R foot and a ¼ turn to the L (5-8). The dancer is now facing a new wall.

Step 3: Advanced step – Cue with: Shuffle R- Rock step – Shuffle L-Rock step.
Shuffle step - step on the R foot (1), step on the ball of the L foot (&), step on the R foot (2)- (also called a step-ball-change or chasse).
Rock forward by stepping forward on L foot (3) and rock back by stepping back on R foot (4).
Reverse the step by doing a shuffle step moving backwards stepping on the L foot (5), step on the ball of the R foot (&), step on L foot (6).
The rock step is done by stepping back on the R foot (7) and forward on the L foot (8).


Step 3: Easier step – Glue step: Feet slide as if “stuck like glue.”
Step forward on the R foot and slowly drag L foot up to R (counts 1-4).
Step back on L foot and slowly drag R foot to the back to the R foot (counts 5-8).

Step 4: Twist and Shout
Step on the R foot to the R side (1), bring L foot in and stomp L (2).
Step on the L foot to the L side (3), bring the R foot in and stomp R (4).
Keeping feet together, twist hips to the R (5), L (6) and 2 times to the R (7-8) while shouting “yahoo.”
Repeat the dance to a new wall.



After teaching the 4 steps, challenge students to create another variation to add to the dance. Arms can also be added to each step.

Teaching Suggestions:

Anticipatory Set: Country music has long been associated with line dancing. Ask students if they can name a country singer, group or song. There have been many popular line dances through the years, including “Boot Scooting Boogie” and “Copperhead Road.” Both of these dances go with a specific song. There are some line dances that can go with any song.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Students in wheelchairs can do all of the twisting movements with the hands and arms and can move the wheelchair side to side during the grapevines and forward and back on the “glue step.” The dance can be done facing the same wall without doing any turns for students with cognitive disabilities. The dance can also be done to a song with a slower tempo.

Submitted by Brenda Goodwin who teaches at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 5/7/2018.
Viewed 80268 times since 4/29/2011.

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Stuck Like Glue 4-Wall Line Dance (April/May 2011)

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Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



Previous Comments:


I can get the video to work on Google Chrome and Safari but not on Firefox.

Michael Griggs

Where can we get the video to this dance?

N. Brooks

This is a great video and very helpful for a teacher who does not dance. I would love to see more dance videos.

Katie rose

This was a great dance you should see the fan video of the dance and song on YouTube this little girl is so cute

Irene A. Young

Very professionally done. Students dancers were also great. Very helpful to learn dance and good variations to all level of students. Thanks for hard work done by you and students.

Kim T



i like this dance!


Thank you!


This dance is great i love it, the wideo is a lot of help.


The video with movements and count is perfect.


John Bennett

I like it and very nice video. I would publish.

Brenda Livingood

Looks great - and fun!! Anxious to try it out!


THANKS so much for posting videos with your dances! It makes ALL the difference in the world when teaching it to students. Wish they were posted for ALL the dance ideas!

Elaine Peterson

Love having the video as well as the notes. Thanks for the great dance lesson ideas. Are there any rubrics that you have applied to your Dance Of The Month?


Nice idea, but it's not easy to understand the steps without a video.

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