January 1998

Dear Editors:

Recently your newspaper published a touching letter by "Always Chosen Last" in a Dear Abby column. The letter was written by a fifth grade student in Arizona and described this child's dread of physical education and his feelings of humiliation as he was always selected last on a team during, his physical education class. Abby's reply to this youngster was straight to the point: "If I had my way, I would outlaw that system of choosing sides. It's cruel!"

I am pleased to say that the state of North Carolina has done just that! In 1993, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction published teaching, guidelines for all of our elementary, middle school and. high school physical education programs. These guidelines were written to help administrators, parents, school boards, physical education teachers and other policy makers to recognize certain "traditionally-held" practices in physical education that are questionable or harmful.

I would also like to point out that the Durham County Commissioners have established a special council to work with the public and private sectors in the promotion of quality physical education and fitness programs. The Durham County Council on Physical Fitness and Sports has representatives from public schools, community health organizations, YMCAs, recreation and parks, and other interested community leaders. For more information, please contact ......

Sincerely yours,

Artie Kamiya
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Submitted by Artie Kamiya who is with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Thanks so much for contributing to PE Central!