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Name of Activity:

SOS Rescue

Purpose of Activity:

Students will be able to follow eight count sequences cued with: step touch, sticky pump, drop step, reverse, jump around, and heel taps for a total of 32 counts.


Step touch and heel taps

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:


Recommended music:

A Girl Like Me by Rihanna

Beginning dance formation:


Dance source:

Adapted this dance from a dance learned at the New Jersey Lake Conference

Description of Idea

Cts 1-8 STEP TOUCH R,L,R,L (4 x’s) (Begin when the artist
says, "I’m obsessive")
(Step touch: step on a diagonal with R
touch L and clap; step on a diagonal with L
touch R and clap and repeat both sides).

Cts. 9-16 "STICKY PUMP" step forward
(each step equals 2 counts, step and hold like
your foot is stuck to the floor)
Step forward R-hold-step forward L-hold-step forward R-hold-step forward L-

Cts. 17-18 DROP STEP: L foot should be in front, step
back with L with a ¼ at same time
(end up facing left wall)

Cts. 19-20 REVERSE PIVOT-Step back with R making a
180 degree turn, pivoting on the L foot (end
up facing right wall)

Cts. 21-24 JUMP TURN in a circle to right 4 x’s. It does not
really matter which direction the students
jump. They should just end up facing front on
4th jump.

Cts. 25-32 HEEL TAPS (step R, tap L heel forward,
step L, tap R heel forward and repeat

Repeat entire sequence throughout the song.


CTs. 21-24 JUMP TURN in a circle to right 3 x’s and
end up facing side wall. Wait one count and
finish dance. On each jump section you will
end up turning 1/4 to a different wall.

Cts. 25-32 Instead of HEEL TAPS
a. Freestlye for 8
b. With feet stationary, rotate R knee to R then
L; roll R shoulder, then L shoulder (2
cts each movement)

Assessment Ideas:

During cts 25-32 have students choreograph their own dance step for the 8 counts.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Providing manipulative(s) to help any child enjoy the music and move freely. Examples include ribbon sticks, small musical shakers and scarves.


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SOS Rescue

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Previous Comments:

mrs thomson

hi i would like to show my pupils an amerikan dance but i will need your help.

Mary Beth

My 5th and 6th graders loved this dance lesson! They have asked to do over and over. Thanks for including the video,it is so much easier to teach it to the students when you can actually see it performed! I would love to see some of the others on video.


Can you put some like wat they mean because my children dont get what they mean so please right back thanks x


this was the best one i've done yet i was feeling the burn. that's my favourite singer i love that one the most

Susan Pinkston

TWO GREAT LINE DANCE LESSONS!!!! Loved the HEY BABY!! Thank you for including the video!! It is so much easier to understand how the dance should go when you can actually see it performed.

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