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Name of Activity:

Copy Cat

Purpose of Activity:

The purpose of this activity is to have students move in their own space while observing and listening.

Suggested Grade Level:


Description of Idea

Have all the students spread out in their own personal space. ( I have them stand on spots) The teacher starts out as the "cat" that all the students want to copy. Start with basic stationary movements - marching, stomping, clapping, swinging your arms - be creative. Start off slowly doing your movements then to challenge the students move a little faster. Once all the students are successfully copying you, start moving off and around your dot - jump off, walking around, etc. You need to really emphasize every being in their own space and not being able to touch anyone else. Next, start moving all over the gym using different movements.

Once the students get the hang of copy cat ask for volunteers to be the "cat". Students usually come up with the best moves that are really creative. Take turns so that everyone that wants to gets a chance to be the "cat".

Assessment Ideas:

Observe whether or not students are copying the "cat" and staying in their own space.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Be sure to not only do the movement but also to say and describe it for those with visual impairments.

Choose movements that make it possible for students with disabilities to participate and make them the "cat" to see what movements they can come up with.

Submitted by Diana Klein in Alexandria, VA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/5/2009.
Viewed 179949 times since 9/9/2008.

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Copy Cat

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Previous Comments:


I did this activity and it worked very well.
Instead of standing on spots I had them stand on laminated letters, so they could make the sound of the letter as a task, then I would have them all switch letters on a command.

emily hadder

sometimes i play this myself - its so fun. i do it and the mirror copies me. its awesome.

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