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Name of Activity:


Purpose of Activity:

Students will be moving in different levels, they will also be balancing and listening carefully for stop and go signals.


Different levels-  High, Middle, Low

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

16 cones, music as a start/stop signal

Description of Idea

Set up four cones to mark off each corner of the gymnasium.  This will be the airports for the students to land in.  You start out the activity by telling the students that today we are going to be airplanes, they need to fly around like different kinds of airplanes carefully without "crashing".  Airplanes will begin flying when they hear the music start, once the music stops they need to find an airport (marked off area) and come in for a landing.  To do this they slow down with their arms out as wings and balancing at a low level on one foot.  They need to stay like this until the music starts again.  While all students are landed you could call on different students to pick what type of aircraft they all are going to be.  This really gets the students to be creative and move how they think that type of aircraft will move.  For example: Call on a student to pick what kind of airplane the class is going to be such as a "jet."  The teacher would then ask children how they think a jet would move, and then make sure the class hears a few good clues like fast, and big to help them realize how that type of aircraft would move.

Assessment Ideas:

Watch students moving around, are they being creative and moving like that airplane would move? Are students landing at a low level in the airports, balancing when the music stops?

Teaching Suggestions:

Make sure that children understand general and self space concepts so they are able to move without bumping into each other.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities could be air traffic control and help direct planes to the airports or simply figure out additional creative ways to fly and balance.

Submitted by Shawna Austic who teaches at Trumansburg Central School in Trumansburg, NY. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 4/16/2008.
Viewed 131492 times since 3/7/2008.

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What a wonderful game! I used this game for my 3 and 4 year olds. For 3 year olds, I had a center circle they would come land their plane at. For the 4 year olds, I had a couple different airports for them. I made it a listening activity as well by only going on the word "fly". I would say "flavor" or "flame" but they could only go when I said "fly".

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