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Name of Activity:

Going to the Zoo

Purpose of Activity:

To learn and rienforce colors, learn about maps, and practice locomotor skills.


Have children review colors and locomotor skills and discuss safety while moving with hoops on the floor. Stress that they travel in only one direction on the roads. (one way roads)

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

As many Hula Hoops as possible. Maps are created with laminated index cards with either a red, blue, yellow or color road drawn on the cards in the shape of hoops. Make twice as many maps as there are students in the class. Stuffed animals, 2 boxes or buckets

Description of Idea

Arrange hula hoops to make roads that lead to the zoo (straight and curvy). Make a red road, blue road, yellow road and a color road. The color road is made of different colored hoops. The children start at one end by picking a map from the bucket and following the designated road to get to the zoo. At the zoo the children put the map in a box, pet the zoo animals and then return to the start by walking by the wall where they pick out a new map. Have the children walk, jump, tip toe, etc. through the roads, being careful not to step on the hoops as they are slippery.

Assessment Ideas:

Ask the students to name the color map they have and if it matches the road that they are on.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Children may move through the roads in any manner that is needed, wheelchairs many roll next to the roads. Animals and box/bucket can be put up on a table for wheelchair students to reach.

Submitted by Linda Drummey who teaches at Holy Family in Hilton, NY. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 1/3/2008.
Viewed 95845 times since 11/10/2007.

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Going to the Zoo

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We played the game without the maps-didn't really see the need for the maps when they're following the same hula hoop color to the animal.


Has anyone already created maps for use with this game, that I can print?

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