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Name of Activity:

Letter Walk

Purpose of Activity:

Students will be able to preform the locomotor skills and will be able to call out what letter (or number) they have landed on- when called on.


Letter knowledge, and locomotor skills (running, hopping, jumping, gallop, skip, walk backwards, etc.)

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Laminated Letter cards (or number cards), music and large area (gym, blacktop)

Description of Idea

Lay out letter cards over a large area. Show students the area around the cards where they will be walking/running ect. Have them walk it once to show them where they need to stay. Explain that they will be moving around the letters by doing a motor skill. What are motor skills? Have them answer.

Review and Demonstrate
Students will do this motor skill (called out by teacher) until the music is turned off.
Each student goes to an EMPTY letter card and stands there. Teacher calls randomly on children and asks what letter they are standing on, or what sound that letter makes, or COW, who is standing on the first sound in COW.
Then continue game by calling out new motor skill and turning on music.

Assessment Ideas:

Observing how well they know they can preform the motor skills.
Do students recall letter name?

Submitted by Shelly Antes in Louisa, VA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 1/3/2008.
Viewed 91460 times since 3/29/2007.

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Letter Walk

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This game can be used with colors with preschool age kids. We will try shapes next

dorothy clopton

I have done a very similar thing using shapes layed out on the floor and the kids go (I just have them walk around the shapes) to one shape when the music stops and I say, "everyone who is on a square, jump up and down" -- Everyone who is on a triangle, stand on one foot" --- everyone who is on a ...... etc. My 3-5 year olds love it!

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