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Name of Activity:

Groundhog Day

Purpose of Activity:

Practice moving in general space and to increase listening skills.


Moving in general space and background information about Groundhog Day.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Hoops or poly spots, a drum to signal stop and go

Description of Idea

Place hoops or poly spots on the floor in the activity area. These are the groundhog "holes". Children will be the "groundhogs". On cue, children will move about in general space. When the drum is struck, children will freeze. The teacher will say, "Winter!" or "Spring!" If you use "winter" the children will pretend to see their groundhog shadows and must go back and hide in the holes. If you use "spring" children will continue to move carefully in general space until the stop signal (drum) is sounded again.


To enhance movement during this activity ask children to perform a variety of different locomotor skills as they move throughout the space.

Teaching Suggestions:

For increased safety during this activity teachers may want to secure hoops to the floor with tape. In addition, make sure that there are enough hoops for each child in the class.

Submitted by Kristin Toland who teaches at Moton Early Childhood Center in Hampton, VA. Additional authors for this idea were none. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 6/13/2007.
Viewed 73961 times since 2/2/2007.

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Groundhog Day

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