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Name of Activity:


Purpose of Activity:

Students will work on cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength while playing a scooter tag game in a spooky setting.


Students have been taught how to safely ride a scooter.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

One scooter per student,various equipment to build tunnels and obstacles, a black light or strobe light, materials to cover up any windows, mats, Halloween music and cd player. Glowing necklaces (if available) can be used to identify the taggers.

Description of Idea

Setup: Fill the gym with different tunnels and obstacles. Some ways to make them are: 1) string parachutes up to the basketball nets to make tents, 2) use hockey goals with parachutes over them to make a tunnel, 3) make a long tunnel with tables covered by mats, and 4) use hurdles or standards with blankets draped over them. Use any other equipment available to serve as obstacles for students to travel around and through. Turn all lights off and block any skylights or windows so that the gym is dark. Use a black light or strobe light for a cool effect. If a black light or strobe light is not available, have the room darkened with a bit of light streaming in, enough to prevent accidents. Starting and stopping the Halloween music will indicate that it is time to switch taggers.

Activity: Tell students that they are all ghosts. They must ride on their gluts on the scooter. Then pick 2-4 taggers, also know as the ghostbusters. They will also ride on their gluts but will hold a "tagging wand." The "noodles" used as pool toys work well when cut into segments two or three feet long. When students get tagged they take their scooter to a designated area to do ten of their favorite exercises such as push-ups or jumping jacks. Change taggers periodically.

Assessment Ideas:

Periodically do a "heartbeat check" to see if the students are working in their target heart rate zone. At the end of the lesson, ask the students a favorite activity that uses the muscles they worked on during the lesson.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Students using wheelchairs would take part in the activity from their chair. Tunnels would have to be high enough for them to pass through.

Submitted by Christine Poulter who teaches at McNair in Hazelwood, MO. Additional authors for this idea were Rob Iezzi. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/20/2006.
Viewed 95391 times since 10/31/2006.

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