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Name of Activity:
Cardio Drumming
Suggested Grade Level:
K-5Materials Needed:
A drumming implementation as well as a surface to drum on. Our class used drumming sticks and yoga balls balanced/secured on overturned step platform bases.
Drumming Directions Card
Recommended music:
Rednex - Cotton Eye JoeBeginning dance formation:
A "window" setup is best to allow view of teacher.Description of Idea
This is a fun cardio drumming dance that keeps students engaged in movement, rhythm, and a fun group experience! Use the description and video below and the directions card to guide students to do this successfully.
Students can be introduced the days lesson by viewing the video that is below. Before students start the routine, talk about the importance of safety with the rhythm sticks and where sticks should be during teacher instruction. You can show the entire routine on the video and then students can go to their yoga balls. This activity is performed with two students per yoga ball. Yoga or physio-balls can be held in place by using bases of an aerobic step or on top of 5 - gallon buckets.
Once students are at their station, use the visual supplemental materials provided which have broken the routine down into chunks in which to teach. Depending on the level of your students, before starting the dance you may want to discuss the tempo and beat in which the routine will be performed. Once ready, begin teaching the first section with no music. Have students practice the first section and move on to the second section. Once they have learned the second part, have them practice sections 1 and 2 together. Continue this process until the full routine has been taught. Introduce the music whenever you see fit for your students.
Steps for Dance
First Section
(Steps start 16 beats into the song)
Forward taps, alternating feet x4
Backward taps, alternating feet x4
Forward taps, alternating feet with rhythm sticks x4
Backward taps, alternating feet with rhythm sticks x4
Hit ball with 1 stick on right x2
Hit ball with 1 stick on left x2
Second Section
Hit ball with both sticks on right x2
Hit ball with both sticks on left x2
Third Section
Shuffle to left (away from ball) x4 steps
Shuffle to right (back to ball) x4 steps
Fourth Section
Hit ball on top both sticks x2
Hit ball on side with both sticks x2
Fifth Section
High knees marching with sticks x16 hits (8 high knees)
Hit ball on top with both sticks x4
Hit ball on sides with both sticks x4
Hit floor with both sticks x4
Hit sticks over-head x4
Repeat x3
Use different music
Use different drumming equipment (even hands)
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