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Name of Activity:

Fall Into Fitness Pumpkin Exercise Bags

Purpose of Activity:

To increase student cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility.


Students should be familiar with basic exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups, mountain climbers, wall sits and locomotor skills.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Laminated exercise cards, pumpkin bags with five laminated exercises for each pair.

Description of Idea

Students are divided into pairs. Each pair get a Pumpkin bag. Inside each pumpkin bag there are five different exercises. Pairs complete the five exercise cards together. Once the five are complete, they bring their pumpkin bag and place it in the basket in the middle of the gym and grab a new pumpkin bag with five different exercises inside. They complete the new exercise bag. This cycle continues for 5-10 minutes.

Each exercise bag has a unique set of exercises ensuring that students are working on each type of fitness. I added in fun exercises as well such as finding different words in the gym, getting high fives from people, dance moves, and animal movements.



Can be used as an Instant Activity too as they could do these first thing when they enter the gym.

Submitted by Caroline Hendren in Beech Island, SC. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 10/26/2017.
Viewed 30575 times since 10/25/2017.

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Fall Into Fitness Pumpkin Exercise Bags

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