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Name of Activity:

Dancing with Dominic the Donkey

Purpose of Activity:

Students will perform a dance activity that will incorporate rhythmic movements, as well as challenge the brain to recognize sequences and patterns.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Music player.

Recommended music:

Dominic the Donkey by Eriss Roberto (Available on iTunes)

Beginning dance formation:

Student should be placed randomly around the teaching area with enough personal space to safely move and perform.

Description of Idea

The rhythmic movements are aligned with the chorus and verses of the song. Students should recognize the patterns and sequences as they are performed with the music.

Hold at the beginning of the song for 12 counts

Chorus: During each chorus, which is 32 counts, the following movements will be done:

1-8 counts - Step back at an angle with R foot (1-2), bring feet together and bounce 2x (3-4)
Step back at an angle with L foot (5-6), bring feet together and bounce 2x (7-8)

Repeat these movements

1-8 counts – Step R touch L foot across in front of the body. Step L touch R foot across in front of the body. Arms go out to the side as foot is pointed across body. Each step touch is 2 counts. Reverse and repeat again on each side.

1-8 – Arms up over head for 4 counts and down low for 4 counts

8 counts of music – March in place

1-8 Slide R 2 claps, 4 jumps
1-8 Slide L 2 claps 4 quick heels
1-8 Slide to the back of the room 2 claps, 4 rocks side to side
1-8 Slide to the front of the room 2 claps and 2 criss-cross jumps

After each verse the song immediate goes into the chorus and movements for the chorus are repeated.

Music and marches are repeated followed by the verse movements.

The movements are as follows:

12 counts – Hold at the beginning of the song

Chorus movements, marches

Verse movements, chorus movements, 8 marches

Verse movements, chorus movements, 8 marches

Verse movements, chorus movements, 24 marches until the end of the song

Assessment Ideas:

Students could be evaluated on simply performing the movements in the correct sequence. This could be done without the music as some students may be able to perform the pattern, but may not be able to stay with the music. As the movements are repeated and learned, the rhythmic challenge could be introduced and evaluated.

Older students could be asked to create their own 24 count ending to the dance.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

These movements could be simplified. For instance, one could do the verse movements all facing the front of the room and do the same step 4x instead of changing movements each time. Children with limited mobility could do the movements using just the arms and using bounce like movements instead of the jumps, rocks etc.


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Dancing with Dominic the Donkey

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