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Name of Activity:

Partner Drumming for Fitness

Purpose of Activity:

To allow students to combine the rhythm activity of drumming with fitness movement, all the while working with a partner to coordinate the movements.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Set of drum sticks or rhythm sticks and one exercise ball on a secure base. Music player.

Recommended music:

"Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake

Beginning dance formation:

Students can be placed in pairs randomly around the room with the dance performed in a scattered formation. Each student will need a set of drum sticks or rhythm sticks and one exercise ball on a secure base. Students will hold for 16 counts of music before starting the dance.

Description of Idea

The dance is a series of drumming patterns that are done as partners. 2 people will work around the same exercise ball. There will also be fitness movements incorporated into the patterns in order to raise the heart rate and strengthen the core muscles.

Combination #1 – 32 counts. Students are across from one another with the exercise ball in the middle and in a squat or plié position.

Partner #1 – Hit the sticks 2x on top of the ball, 2x on the side of the ball, 2x on the top of the ball and 2x above the head. (8 counts) Repeat this pattern for a total of 32 counts. Cue with top, side, top, up

Partner #2 – Hit the sticks 2x on the side of the ball, 2x on the top of the ball, 2x on the side of the ball and 2x above the head. (8 counts) Repeat this patter for a total of 32 counts. Cue with side, top, side, up.

Combination #2 – 32 counts
Both partners move to the R on relevé for 4 counts with arms fully extended above the head hitting sticks together followed by 4 hits on the R side of the ball while jogging in place. Both partners move to the L with 4 counts with arms fully extended above the head hitting sticks together followed by 4 hits on the L side of the ball while jogging in place. Repeat entire R and L movement 3 more times for a total of 32 counts.

Combination #3 – 32 counts – Partners are on opposite sides of the ball facing one another.

Partner #1 – 32 counts
In a plié position cross arms and hit the ball with the sticks, uncross arms and hit the ball on the sides Repeat this movement for a total of 8 counts with each hit being 1 count. Hit the floor with the sticks 2x, the sides of the ball 2x, the floor 2x and the sides 2x for a total of 8 counts. Repeat each of these 2 eight count movements again for a total of 16 counts.

Partner #2 – 32 counts
Hit the floor with the sticks 2x, the sides of the ball 2x, the floor 2x and the sides of the ball 2x for a total of 8 counts. In a plié position cross arms and hit the ball with the sticks, uncross arms and hit the ball on the sides Repeat this movement for a total of 8 counts. Repeat this movement for a total of 32 counts.

Combination #4 – 32 counts – Partners are on opposite sides of the ball facing one another

Partner #1 – Tap the ball 4x on the top and then jump 4x in place. (8 counts) Repeat 3 more times for a total of 32 counts.

Partner #2 – Jump 4x in place and then tap the ball on top 4x. (8 counts) Repeat 3 more times for a total of 32 counts.

Combination #5 - 16 counts
Each partner raises the R knee diagonally across to the L while hitting the sticks on the L side of the ball. As the knee is lowered the sticks are hit above the head. Repeat this for a total of 4 times or 8 counts. Reverse and do the same to the opposite side.

All of these combinations (1-5) are repeated again for 32 counts including combination #5.
Combination #1 is repeated for 32 counts. There is a 4 count break for students to hit R stick together and L stick together. They will then continue with the rest of the 32 count combinations to the end of the song.

Assessment Ideas:

Students can be assessed on working with a partner and still maintaining the rhythm of the movements. They can also be asked to take a resting pulse and a pulse afterward and determine if they were in their target heart rate zone. They can also be assessed on their ability to remember the sequence of the patterns and their rhythmic skills.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Children with limited mobility can do this dance totally with the sticks and arm movements.


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Partner Drumming for Fitness

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MyKayla Lee-Ware

I was just wondering can I sign up for dance class.

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