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Name of Activity:

Dancing Directions

Purpose of Activity:

To reinforce the concepts of directional movements: right, left, up, down, side, diagonal, counterclockwise and clockwise using a dance.


Students should have had been taught directions in previous lessons.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Music player.

Recommended music:

I Want Candy by Aaron Carter

Beginning dance formation:

Partners scattered in a good self space.

Description of Idea

Section 1:
Step R, L behind, step R touch L (Grapevine) while performing 2 arm circles clockwise in front of body (1-4)
Windshield wiper R, L, R, L-R (5, 6, 7 & 8)
Repeat with step L, R behind, step L, touch R (Grapevine) while performing 2 arm circles counterclockwise in front of body (1-4)
Windshield wiper R, L, R, L-R (5,6,7 & 8)
3 step turn to R (clockwise) (1-4)
Windshield wiper R, L, R, L-R (5, 6, 7, & 8)
3 step turn to L (counterclockwise) (1-4)
Windshield wiper R, L, R, L-R (5, 6, 7, & 8)

Section 2:
Slide diagonally R for 1 step, push hands apart diagonally R hand up and L hand down (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count for each movement 5,6,78)
Slide diagonally L for 1 step, push hands apart diagonally L hand up and R hand down (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count for each movement 5,6,7,8)
Push forward with arms as you step forward with R foot (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count for each movement 5,6,7,8)
Push forward with arms as you step backward on R foot (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count for each movement 5,6,7,8)

Section 3:
Right foot-heel, toe, heel, toe (1-4)
Reach to side with R arm, reach to side with L arm, both arms up, both arms down (1 count each movement for 5,6,7,8)
Left foot-heel, toe, heel, toe (1-4)
Reach to side with R arm, reach to side with L arm, both arms up, both arms down (1 count for each movement for 5,6,7,8)
Right foot-heel, toe, heel, toe (1-4)
Reach to side with R arm, reach to side with L arm, both arms up, both arms down (1 count for each movement for 5,6,7,8)
Left foot-heel, toe, heel, toe (1-4)
Reach to side with R arm, reach to side with L arm, both arms up, both arms down (1 count for each movement for 5,6,7,8)

The last part is a repeat of Section 2:
Slide diagonally R for 1 step, push hands apart diagonally R hand up and L hand down (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count each for 5,6,78)
Slide diagonally L for 1 step, push hands apart diagonally L hand up and R hand down (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count each for 5,6,7,8)
Push forward with arms as you step forward with R foot (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count each for 5,6,7,8)
Push forward with arms as you step backward on R foot (1-4)
2 hands up right, 2 hands up left, 2 hands right down, 2 hands left down (1 count each for 5,6,7,8)


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Dancing Directions

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This is great lesson to teach dancing well layed out for students to follow

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