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Name of Activity:

Hip/Hop and Step with Young Mozart

Purpose of Activity:

To introduce some basic hip/hop and step combinations using classical music with a hip/hop beat

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Music (YouTube) and music player

Recommended music:

The Chase by Young Mozart

Beginning dance formation:

Students can be spread randomly around the gym floor.

Description of Idea

The dance is divided into 2 basic sections. There are 4 different 8 count hip/hop type combinations. These are repeated 2 times for a total of 64 counts. There is a basic step combination that is repeated on both the R and L sides also for a total of 64 counts. You will be able to hear the change in the music for each set of movements. The hip/hop type combinations are repeated a second time during the dance.

At the beginning of the music students with hold for 2 sets of 8. This is followed by 2 sets of 8 introduction music. The class can hit 4 different poses on counts 1 and 5 of each set of 8. There are poses demonstrated on the video or students can make up their own poses.

Hip/Hop Combinations

1-8 Grapevine to the R ending with L foot up and both arms up and elbows flexed on count 4 (1-4). Grapevine to the L ending with R foot up and both arms up and elbows flexed on count 8 (5-8)

1-8 With hands down by thighs and feet apart, flex both knees (1), extend knees (2), flex again (3) and hold for count 4. Jump and bring feet together on count 5, jump and turn ¼ turn to the L (6), raise both arms to shoulder height with elbows flexed at 90 degrees (7), lower hands, (&), raise hands (8) and lower hands (&)

1-8 Lower arms and step toward the front of the room with the R foot with flexed knees (1) standing up bring L foot in and make ¼ turn to the R. You are now facing the front of the room. As you turn bring the elbows up and put knuckles together, shift both arms to the R (3) and back to the front (&), to the side (4) and back to the front (&). Place R forearm on top of L (5), open by lifting R forearm up (6), close (7) and hold for count 8.

1-8 Keeping arms up stomp the R foot to the diagonal R (1), pull the arms open (2), lift the hands (3), lower the hands (4), turning to the diagonal L repeat the counts to the L side.
These 4 sets of 8 will all be repeated a second time.

Stepping Combinations

Beginning on the R side: (1-4) Stomp R, clap, raise the L foot behind the R leg and hit with the R hand, stomp L, hold for a count and clap. Cue with the following words: Stomp, clap, hit, down, hold clap”. Repeat this movement 3x.

Transition to the L side: Stomp R, clap, Stomp L, clap.

Repeat the combination 3x beginning with the L foot stomp. Repeat the transition and perform the step on both the R and L sides a second time.

The first combinations will be repeated a second time. The dance ends with by leaning to the side, back, side and front (1-8) and ending with a pose.


After learning the basic combinations ask students to add their own ideas for combinations.

All of the arm movements can be done at a slower pace or movements can be done with only the arms.

Teaching Suggestions:

Students can be taught the basic movements to be done the first time through. Allow them to make additional combinations to add when the music repeats itself. The combinations can also be done in partners with person #1 doing an 8 count and person #2 repeating the combination.


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Hip/Hop and Step with Young Mozart

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Thank you for posting this. I have been working with creating a gradual release of responsibility in the classroom and this is perfect for students to learn step by step and practice at home as well.

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