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Name of Activity:
Get Healthy Campaign Race Day
Purpose of Activity:
Students will be able to list 2-3 ways to make healthier food and beverage choices by forming sentences from words. Students will be able to demonstrate how they work together as a team to make sentences that correlate to the food pyramid. Students will increase their heart rates by performing an exercise after they are done making a sentence.Suggested Grade Level:
3-5Materials Needed:
12 cones, 6 large, 6 small, 12 hoops, 1, 12 sided dice, 12 sets of word cards, 12 envelopes to place them in.Description of Idea
Classes will enter the gym and teacher spreads students out behind different cones. Across from each cone is the same colored hoop with index cards in it. The index cards have words on them which will eventually form a sentence. In relay race style, 1 student at a time runs to their hoop, picks up an index card from inside, brings it back to their team and places it inside their teams envelope. (envelopes waiting under cone)Teams will keep going until no cards are left in hoop. Once all cards are in envelope, student must work together, place cards on the floor and form a sentence which will correlate to MY Food Plate. There will be an exercise on one index card. Place the exercise card at the end of the sentence and perform exercise while waiting for other groups to be finished. When all teams are finished, teacher will roll dice and whatever number it lands on, that team will read their sentence out loud as a group to the class.
Index card examples
1. Use whole grain breads for lunch and snacks
2. Make at least half of your grains whole.
3. Keep fruit out where you can see it.
4. Focus on fruits like 100% fruit juice and berries.
5. Vary your veggies and make them extra colorful.
Make dairy group choices low fat or fat-free.
6.Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
7. Be active at least 30 minutes a day.
8. Exercise makes our heart, mind, and body healthy.
Assessment Ideas:
1. Have students take pulse before they start activity and after they exercise to show how HR increases
2. Teacher observation walking around making sure everyone is on task
ELA: checklist to see sentences are complete
Give me 5--Students list 5 ways to make healthy food choices
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