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Name of Activity:

Overhand Throw Assessment: Beginning of Year

Purpose of Activity:

To assess the overhand throw.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

1 rubric per student, 1 object per student to throw, Happy face target on the wall

Description of Idea

This is a great assessment to use at the beginning of the year to see how students are doing with throwing. This should help develop your lessons throughout the year as you will have a better understanding of what to work on with each student.

I suggest you set this up at a station and if you can't be the recorder then have a parent volunteer help out.

Station set up is easy. You just need a smiley face poster or drawing of some sort taped to the wall. The student will be about 15/20 feet away so you will need a line or a cone to mark that on the floor.

When the student gets to the station ask them to show you their very best throw and do their best to hit the target. It is best if the student throws the object hard so would suggest having them throw a beanbag or yarn ball so you won't have much chasing of the ball to do.

Give the student 3 throws. Students may say the cues out loud if they wish.

The cues for the throw that you are looking for are stands sideways from the target, eye on target, steps with opposite foot, and follow through (throwing arm hits pocket on other side of body.

Scoring Rubric:

T-ball - Never has feet shoulder width apart and stands sideways from the target, never looks at target, steps with no opposition, and does not follow through with throwing arm.

Little League - Has feet shoulder width apart and stands sideways from the target during one of the throws, looks at target during one of the throws, steps with opposition during one of the throws, and follows through with throwing arm.

Minor League - Has feet shoulder width apart and stands sideways from the target during two of the throws, looks at target during two of the throws, steps with opposition during two of the throws, and follows through with throwing arm after two throws.

Major League - Always has feet shoulder width apart and stands sideways from the target, always looks at target, always steps with opposition, and always follows through with throwing arm.

Submitted by Haley Marchant in Liberty, KS. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/18/2013.
Viewed 36641 times since 5/27/2013.

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Overhand Throw Assessment: Beginning of Year

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