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Name of Activity:

“Get Ready to Bounce” Dance (October 2010)

Purpose of Activity:

To be able to correctly perform the 32 count “Bounce” line dance, staying with the music and raising the heart rate.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

CD player

Recommended music:

“Get Ready to Bounce” by the Brooklyn Bounce from the Jock Jams volume 4 CD

Beginning dance formation:

Students are randomly spaced on the gym floor.

Description of Idea

Introduction: 7 sets of 8 counts - Standing with feet together, flex the knees and bounce with the music. (Down on odd counts and up on even counts)

Hold for the words: “Get ready to bounce.”

Counts 1-8 – (counts 1-4) Step R, touch L toe behind the R foot, Step L, touch R toe behind the L foot. Repeat for counts 5-8. Push both arms above the head whenever the toe is placed behind the foot.

Counts 1-8 – (Counts 1-4) Step R, Kick L to the front, Step L, touch R foot to the back (This is a basic Charleston step) Repeat for counts 5-8. Both arms are pushed straight forward on the front kick L and pushed down to the side on touch back R.

Counts 1-8 –Jump on counts 1,3,5,7. Push the arms above the head on counts 2,4,6,8. Cue words “jump-push, jump-push,” etc. Jump #1 faces the starting wall. On each jump (2, 3, 4) make a ¼ turn to the R and end facing the wall to the L of the original wall.

Counts 1-8 – Front Grapevine (see description) R (counts 1-4) and L (counts 5-8). (Front grapevine - Step R to the side, cross L in front of R, step R to the side and tap L toe next to R foot. Reverse stepping L to the side, crossing R over L in front of L, step L to the side and tap R toe next to L foot)

Repeat the dance to a new wall.

Repeat the dance 6 times. The music will slow for 6 counts of 8. Bounce to the beat as described in the introduction. Hold for the words “Get ready to bounce.” Repeat the combination 2 more times. Pause for the words “Brooklyn Bounce” and repeat the dance to the end of the song.


This dance makea an excellent aerobic activity. It is written as low impact movements, but by making each movement a hop (add some bounce!), the heart rate will rise.

Teaching Suggestions:

This dance focuses on the bouncing movement. It can be used to teach the location of the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles as they are the muscles most involved in the bouncing movement. The arms should always push above the head or in front of the body. The location of the deltoid muscle can be taught, as it is a muscle involved in these movements.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

This dance could easily be taught to younger children by taking the turn out of the jumps and continuing to face the same wall for the entire dance.

The grapevines can be modified to traditional grapevines or even substitute a simple step touch step touch R and L. The arm movements can be modified by substituting claps for movements.

Submitted by Brenda Goodwin who teaches at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 10/10/2010.
Viewed 23626 times since 10/5/2010.

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“Get Ready to Bounce” Dance (October 2010)

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