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Name of Activity:

Body Part Awareness

Purpose of Activity:

To help children understand body part names and locations.

Suggested Grade Level:


Description of Idea

One might think that all preschool children know the parts of their bodies. But this is not true for all children. Even those who can recite the names of various parts might not understand the relationships of those parts and their potential for movement.

A fun beginning activity is simply to ask children to locate with their hands different parts of the body. Children can be sitting on their carpet squares in a circle at the beginning or end of class. This typically would take no more than 2 to 3 minutes. A list of some body parts for children to identify is listed below.

Head Back Elbow
Nose Wrist Feet
Ankles Shoulders Stomach
Submitted by Steve  Sanders who teaches at Univ. of Memphis in Memphis , TN . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 7/20/2001.
Viewed 169034 times since 8/24/2001.

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Body Part Awareness

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Previous Comments:

Mary Rylander

I like to do hands, shoulders, knees and toes. You can substitute for other body parts.

Natalie perez De Leon

I love learning about body parts


I think we can do this activity playing the game "Simons says" we tell the children Simons says touch your nose,and continue with all body parts, this way we can call more children attention.

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