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Name of Activity:

Rock This Party (November 2011)

Purpose of Activity:

To perform a 32-count line dance.

Suggested Grade Level:


Recommended music:

"Gonna Make You Sweat" by C & C Music Factory or "Rock This Party" by Bob Sinclair. The Bob Sinclair version works best and can be found on ITUNES on exercise albums by Allstars.

Beginning dance formation:

Standing next to a desk or scattered in general space.

Description of Idea

Begin the dance when you hear in the music: "Everyone Dance Now!"

8 counts:
* Right hand on forehead and left arm straight behind while walking to the right four steps. On the 4th step, clap.
* Then to the left, left hand on forehead and right arm straight behind while walking to the left four steps. On the 4th step, clap.

4 counts:
* Bring arms in towards chest, make a broken T (count one) and pump arms out forward quickly for three counts.

8 counts: "Monkey Arms"
* Four counts to the right, four counts to the left.
* Step forward and diagonal on the right foot, with arms straight and forward move arms up and down for four counts.
* Repeat on the left side.

4 counts: “Pump Around”
* Pivot on the left leg while pumping the arms up and down. (With hands in fists, right arm punches straight up over the head, left arm bends with elbow pointing down, alternating move arms up and down for four counts).
* Turning around (pump 360 degrees around).

4 counts:
* Rock in place (swaying the hips right to left) or step forward with the right foot and swing arms side to side three counts and clap on count four. Then swing arms three times side to side while standing back up to center. On count four, slap sides of thighs.

4 counts:
* March in place or if you use the lunge forward move in previous step, then swing arms three times side to side while standing back up to center. On count four, slap sides of thighs.

Repeat the dance to the end of the music.


On the last eight counts students can choreograph their own movements and finish with a clap on the 8th count.


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Rock This Party (November 2011)

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Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



Previous Comments:

Tammy C

This dance was awesome and our kids really enjoy it. We are teachingit to our Kinder-4th graders. We plan on performing this dance at our awards assembly in November.

For the intro we just added some arm movements like clapping, drumming, etc..

Thank you so much!


Amazing fun!
I'm not a PE teacher, but eaves I ca do this!!!!!!
The videos are super helpful :)


I love this. This is the first time I have had the opportunity to incorporate Dance into our PE lesson and I am very excited about it. Thanks for the confidence booster with so much already done. The video has really helped both me and the students!


Thanks for the dance ideas. As a teacher who is not very comfortable with teaching dance, your video and steps make it user friendly for teachers like me. Thanks again.


Thank you so much! This is great! Keep them coming, PLEASE!!!


Your dances complete with videos are a complete experience/time saver! Please keep them coming...


Thanks so much for your videos! As a student teacher, you really show us what can be done!


It is a very fit and tiring dance. I enjoy it very much.


thnx for the simple steps line dance.i teach to the small children age group 5 yrs old.they are so excited.thnx so much for the great idea.I m from Thailand.

Mary Beth

My kids loved this dance and we did it over and over. Thanks for sharing this video with us. I can teach the dances alot easier when I can see it visually.


The videos are a great help! Keep them coming!

Victoria Gatlin

Susan, I love this. It is so great to see you and your students contributing such a good video to pecentral. I am going to be using this for a Girl Scout Troop to gain part of their Dancercize Badge.

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