Title of Bulletin Board: The POWER of Physical Fitness Category: Fitness Suggested Grade Level: All Materials: Cut out shadow of a person, cut out lettering "The Power of Physical Fitness", 2 rolls of toilet paper, hot glue, 2 pieces paper, pictures of sport balls, border, microsoft word to create quotes. Description: This is a bulletin board that I created because our school is using Concept Based Units (POWER). The unit that I am teaching is fitness, so I combined the two. I hot glued the two rolls of toilet paper to the board to give it a 3-D look, therefore more attractive. The students LOVED it, and so did my principal. This board may be used in your "fitness" unit or may be used anytime throughout the year because it promotes all the benefits of Physical Fitness. The benefits are: more energy, sleep better, behavior problems decrease, INCREASED ability to learn, improved appearance, more energy, reduce illness and increased life expectancy. Everyone will enjoy it.
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Submitted by Charlene Chilton in Roswell, GA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/12/2007 5:09:11 PM. Viewed 114120 times since 10/16/2007.
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