Title of Bulletin Board: Good Sports Always Category: Sportsmanship Suggested Grade Level: 3-5 Materials: Letters, A variety of cut out balls (basketballs, tennis balls, etc) Description: In an effort to encourage my students to be good sports I put up this bulletin board. I got the idea from a poster that is hanging in the gym "10 Ways to Be a Good Sport". I just typed up the 10 ways, enlarged them and printed them off in a variety of colors. If any classes are having a difficult time being good sports I take them to the bulletin board to review how to be a good sport and have the students give examples from our class how they could have done better. If classes are good sports I refer to this bulletin board and discuss what things they did to be good sports.
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Submitted by Lindsay Kidder who teaches at Sauquoit Elementary School in Sauquoit, NY. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 4/21/2009 6:20:43 PM. Viewed 86362 times since 4/9/2009.
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