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Name of Activity:

Pacing & Cardiorespiratory Activity

Purpose of Activity:

To have students understand how to pace themselves when running and to learn how heart rate relates to that.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Paper, writing utensil, worksheet (provided below), clip boards, track

Description of Idea

After taking students outside to the track tell them they are going to work on pacing for the mile run. At the same time they will be taking their pulse rate a lot so make sure you have covered this and students have practiced previously.

Hand out the clip boards with the following worksheet attached. The students will be taking 5 laps for this activity and the worksheet should be filled out in the correct spaces after each lap.

Pacing and Cardio Respiratory Worksheet
Submitted by Barry Trent in Roanoke, VA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/20/2001.
Viewed 105038 times since 8/24/2001.

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Pacing & Cardiorespiratory Activity

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sounds good...but honestly if most kids are achieving an 8-10 min mile their HR will exceed the TRH range. I would prefer to show students they dont have to run as fast on a regular basis to acheive fat burning and cadiorespiratory benefits of exercise.

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