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Name of Activity:

One Step Throw & Catch

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Yarn (or Kush) balls, tennis balls (for the higher skilled)

Description of Idea

As students enter the playing area instruct them to find a partner (or a group of three if odd numbers). Then they are to choose a ball they want to throw back and forth between them. Have them start about 9 feet apart (i.e., 3 giant steps) and their task is to throw back and forth using an underhand throwing motion.

After making a successful catch then both students are to take one giant step backwards. If a student misses a catch then they move one giant step closer to each other.

This activity is taken from the book entitled "Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education (5th Edition)" authored by George Graham, Shirley Holt/Hale, and Melissa Parker. Mayfield Publishing has granted exclusive permission to PE Central to reprint this activity. Further reproduction of this task is strictly prohibited unless permission is obtained from Mayfield Publishers. To order the book (ISBN #1-55934-130-0) or to seek permission call Mayfield at 1-415-960-3222.

Submitted by Mark Manross in Blacksburg, VA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 5/13/2022.
Viewed 71639 times since 8/24/2001.

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One Step Throw & Catch

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Previous Comments:

Mr. J

Mr. H is how I feel but good lesson!

Mr. H

Coach Sandy is out of pocket for that melodramatic correction...

Maria Tejada -Orr

I am an Elementary Teacher in need of lesson plans for P.E.

Coach Sandy

Great ideas. We are educators - please spell correctly! In the description: "and there task...." should be AND THEIR TASK...
Thank you.

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