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Teaching Children Physical Education: Becoming a Master Teacher
George Graham / Paperback (includes CD Rom / Published 2000

This top-selling physical education pedagogy book is now fully updated and features a CD-ROM with video clips of master teachers in action. Teaching Children Physical Education is unique because it focuses solely on the teaching process÷the skills and techniques that successful teachers use to make their classes more interesting and developmentally appropriate. This new edition contains the latest information on effectively teaching the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards, as well as new material on performance assessment based on current research and methods.

Dr. George Graham÷a university professor and public school physical education instructor÷integrates research-based information with firsthand experience to describe the decision-making processes used by master teachers in virtually every lesson they teach.

George Graham: Teaching Children PE

On the Move: Lesson Plans to Accompany Children Moving
Shirley Ann Holt/Hale / Hardcover / Published 2001

A plethera of lesson plans that accompany Children Moving (5th Edition).


Sport Foundations for Elementary Physical Education: A Tactical Games Approach
by Stephen A. Mitchell, Judith L. Oslin, Linda L. Griffin / Paperback / Published March 2003


Constructing Children's Physical Education Experiences: Understanding the Content for Teaching
Kate Barrett, Pamela Allison / Textbook Binding / Published 2000

This book introduces the preservice teacher to elementary school physical education by focusing on philosophy and content. Readers of the text will learn to connect what they teach to why they teach it by applying constructivist learning theory to movement content. Book is geared for pre- and in-service teachers in elementary school physical education.

Constructing Children's PE Experiences

Sportskill Basic: Developmentally Appropriate Sport Skill Development Games and Activities for 8-10-Year-Olds
NASPE / Paperback / Published 2001


Station Games: Fun and Imaginative PE Lessons
Maggie C. Burk / Paperback / Published 2002


Physical Education Unit Plans for Grades 1-2
Bette J. Logsdon (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1997

The 135 units in these four books integrate movement concepts and skills into games, gymnastics, and dance experiences that children really enjoy. They contain clear objectives, sample assessments, and fitness activities that reflect the National Standards for Physical Education and the National Standards for Arts Education (Dance). New and experienced teachers alike can adopt the ready-to-use units as a complete instructional program or select specific units to enhance their existing curriculum.

Unit Plans Grades 1-2

Physical Education Unit Plans for Grades 3-4
Bette J. Logsdon (Editor), et al / Paperback / Published 1997


Physical Education Unit Plans for Grades 5-6
Bette J. Logsdon (Editor), et al / Paperback / Published 1997


Physical Best Activity Guide - Elementary Level
Physical Best / Hardcover / Published 1998

Physical Best Activity Guide

No Standing Around in My Gym
by J. D. Hughes / Paperback / Published October 2002

Keep all students in your physical education program moving, learning, and on their toes—even when you’re teaching very large classes. This ready-to-use guide is packed with 6 units, 70 games, 15 hints, and 39 special game variations for teaching even the largest of classes.

Physical Education Tips from the Trenches
Charmain Sutherland / Hardcover / Published 2001


Teaching Children Movement Concepts and Skills: Becoming a Master Teacher
Craig A. Buschner / Paperback / Published 1994


Teaching Children Dance: Becoming a Master Teacher
Theresa M. Purcell / Paperback / Published 1994


Teaching Children Fitness: Becoming a Master Teacher
Thomas Ratliffe, Laraine McCravey Ratliffe / Paperback / Published 1994

Teaching Fitness

Teaching Children Games: Becoming a Master Teacher
David E. Belka / Paperback / Published 1994

Teaching Kids Games

Teaching Children Gymnastics: Becoming a Master Teacher
Peter H. Werner / Paperback / Published 1994


Changing Kids' Games
Don Morris, Jim Stiehl / Hardcover / Published 1998

This book provides the theoretical background, as well as applied examples, teachers need to modify games to promote developmentally appropriate physical education for all youngsters. Especially good for middle and high school teachers.

Changing Kids Games

Games to Keep Kids Moving: PE Activities to Promote Total Participation, Self-Esteem, and Fun for Grades 3-8

A resource text for elementary and middle school physical educators that provides over 140 game applications to supplement learning objectives.

Games to Keep Kids Moving

Children's Games from Around the World
Glenn Kirchner / Hardcover / Published 2000

This book stresses three contemporary topics which are important to any person working with young children: multiculturalism, creativity, and cooperative learning. Glenn Kirchner, one of today's leading experts in elementary physical education, has collected games from all over the world and compiled them in a beautifully illustrated book that will serve as a resource for teacher educators and in-service teachers alike. The first part of the book features traditional games played by children on six continents. Although many of these games are unique to a given culture, some are modified versions of the same game, demonstrating the universality of children's games while introducing students and teachers to cultural variations. The second and third parts of the book depart from the traditional games and focus on new games invented by children from the fifty participating countries. Almost half of these are cooperative games. Two chapters explaining how to guide children to invent their own games will enable teachers to use Kirchner's methods with their own students.

Children's Games from Around the world

Health-Related Fitness for Grades 1 and 2
Christopher A. Hopper, et al / Paperback / Published 1996

Health Related Fitness

Health-Related Fitness for Grades 3 and 4
Chris Hopper, et al / Paperback / Published 1996


Health-Related Fitness for Grades 5 and 6
Christopher A. Hopper, et al / Paperback / Published 1996


Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children (13th Ed.)
Robert P. Pangrazi / Hardcover / Published 2000

Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children provides prospective teachers with the tools necessary to ensure success in today's educational environment. Whether starting a new program, restructuring an established one, or working with a team in an existing system, DPE is a valuable pre-service and in-service tool. The thirteenth edition integrates the National Standards for Physical Education and addresses new recommendations designed to increase the activity levels of children and improve their overall fitness levels.

Dynamic PE

Lesson Plans for Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children
Robert P. Pangrazi / Paperback / Published 2000

Fitness Education for Children: A Team Approach
Stephen J. Virgilio / Paperback / Published 1997

This comprehensive resource describes how to develop children's health and physical activity levels through a team approach. This book presents ideas that involve not only physical educators but classroom teachers, parents, community leaders, school lunchroom personnel, and health service professionals. Additionally sample lesson and yearly plans are included along with 17 activities for integrating fitness concepts into classes, and more than 100 exercises, games, and dance activities. Lastly, sample letters and contracts, authentic assessment examples, a fitness education portfolio, and guidelines for including children with disabilities are also included in the book.

Fitness Education For Children

Lessons from the Heart: Individualizing Physical Education With Heart Rate Monitors
Beth Kirkpatrick, Burton H. Birnbaum / Paperback / Published 1997


Elementary P.E. Teacher's Survival Guide: Here's Everything You Need to Create a Successful Student-Centered Physical Education Program
Jeff Carpenter, Diane Tunnell / Paperback / Published 1994


Children & Movement: Physical Education in the Elementary School
Jennifer Wall, Nancy Murray / Paperback / Published 1994

This book provides a foundation for students and teachers in the development of physical education programs for elementary schools. Emphasis is on designing a program which encourages children of all skill levels to participate and become successful in dance, games, and gymnastics. Lesson plans are includes as well as detailed directions for dances and games.


Physical Education in the Early Years (Teaching and Learning in the First Three Years of School.)
Pauline Wetton / Hardcover / Published 1997


Parachute Games
Todd Strong, Dale Lefevre / Paperback / Published 1995