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Name of Activity:

Safety Lesson

Purpose of Activity:

To review or introduce personal safety concepts in a variety of areas common to the lives of students.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Index cards that list each area to be covered; easel paper or large white board with sections identifying safety areas being examined; markers for each student or group; lined paper and writing utensil for each student or group.

Description of Idea

As students enter the classroom for the day, they select an index card which is face down on a table in the room identifying their personal safety area that they will be examining (this may also be done in pairs or small groups).

These safety areas may come from any of these categories (you may think of others in addition to these):

  • bus safety
  • sexual safety
  • bicycle
  • automobile
  • personal
  • ATM
  • parking garages
  • beach
  • aquatic
  • weather (thunderstorm, etc.)
  • kitchen
  • home (stairs are the most dangerous parts of our houses)
  • fire
  • playground
  • child (babysitting)
  • rollerblading
  • sport: general warm-up, cool down and sport specific, right size, good condition, well lighted playing arena, coach present, jogging at night
  • food safety
  • toy safety - consumer laws, etc.
  • hygiene products
  • drugs: over-the-counter, label reading, don't mix or share prescriptions, etc.
  • swimming pool
  • outdoor barbecuing

    (Let the students think of other categories. Keep the lists from year to year. Share former class discussions with current class to generate even more ideas and categories.)

  • Students will be instructed to brainstorm (if in pairs or groups) or think of 10 safety rules related to the safety area being examined and write them on the lined piece of paper.

    After completing 10 rules, student or groups will then come up to the easel paper or board and, using the "writing on the walls" strategy, write the ten rules on the paper or board.

    After every student or group has had sufficient time to write their rules, the teacher will examine the results with the entire class. As each area is examined, rules may be added or deleted with class members and the instructor contributing.

    Instructor concludes the lesson stressing the importance of personal safety in our daily lives.


    Each student or group can present their list to the class.

    Assessment Ideas:

    The lined papers with the rules may be handed in for assessment.

    A written quiz may take place later that asks class members to remember ONE key rule from each area examined in class.

    Submitted by Pat  McDiarmid who teaches at Minnechaug Regional High School in Wilbraham , ME . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 5/18/2000.
    Viewed 76836 times since 8/24/2001.

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    Safety Lesson

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    Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



    Previous Comments:

    Leisa Rogers

    This is a great end of the year quick assessment idea on safety. It is also fun for the kids to work with someone and even google some safety tips.

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