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Name of Activity:

Group Juggling

Purpose of Activity:

For a group of 6-8 students to work as a team to successfully juggle several items

Suggested Grade Level:

3 and UP

Materials Needed:

Six to seven objects for each group to juggle. Objects might consist of bean bags, sponge balls, rubber chickens, tennis balls, rings, yarn balls, etc.

Description of Idea

Group students in teams of 6 - 8. Have each group start by introducing themselves. Have the group choose one object they want to start juggling with. The juggling starts with one member by him/her tossing it to a teamate and then they toss to another teamate, etc. Tell your students that it is very important that each group remember the order in which the object was tossed.

Once a pattern has been set with one object, try the same pattern using two objects, then three, maybe four,and even up to five objects. As groups begin to toss more objects, they will notice the importance of discussing strategies.(i.e. levels at which to throw, speed at which the object is thrown)

Submitted by Jim  Krouscas. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/17/2001.
Viewed 106040 times since 8/24/2001.

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Group Juggling

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Previous Comments:

Karen G.

this activity was lots of fun for my 4th and 5th grade classes. I did have one group try to turn it into group dodgeball where they tried to peg each other instead of working cooperatively. That group lost there ball and had to watch the others.

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