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Name of Activity:

Invent A Game

Purpose of Activity:

To have students work cooperatively with each other.

Suggested Grade Level:

3rd and UP

Materials Needed:

Various pieces of equipment

Description of Idea

Randomly assign students to form groups of 3-4. Give each group 2-4 pieces of equipment. Ask the students to create a game that uses all of the pieces of equipment and includes all of the students who are going to play the game. They also need to come up with the rules for their game. Have them work on this for about 15 minutes.

Have the students present and show off their game to the rest of the class. In their presentation they need to explain the rules and show how they included all players in the game. You can have them write this up and turn it in.

Teaching Suggestions:

You could have students take this home and write up and then turn in. It does not need to be done on just one day. They could present on another day.

Submitted by Mike  Imergoot who teaches at Mark Twain Elementary School in Brandon , MO . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/17/2001.
Viewed 122761 times since 8/24/2001.

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Invent A Game

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Previous Comments:

Lauren Healey

thank you for the ideas really appreciate them thanks


I like this activity and after thinking for a few minutes, I came up with some equipment to give the students for their assigment. But I came here to find something quickly, without a lot of searching, so next time state what materials (examples)are used for the lessons.

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