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Name of Activity:

Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD)

Purpose of Activity:

Essential Standard: 6.ATOD.3  Apply risk reduction behaviors to protect self and others from alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Course Objectives: 6.ATOD 3.1  Use effective assertive refusal skills to avoid pressure to use alcohol and other drugs. 6.ATOD.3.2  Summarize the short-term and long-term benefits of resistance to drug abuse. What the students should know/"unpacking materials" 6.ATOD.3.1 •The student will practice using a variety of refusal skills to social pressures in safe, well constructed, and controlled classroom situations. •The student will effectively apply realistic refusal skills that can effectively be used in a social pressure situation. 6.ATOD.3.2 •The student will identify the benefits of living an alcohol and drug free lifestyle. •The student will advocate to others the benefits of an alcohol and drug free lifestyle.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

PowerPoint (which I have created, based on information covered in "Teen Health: Course 1"),projector, poster boards, markers. PowerPoint Outline: 1. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (additional information provided by "Teen Health: Course 1" Chapters 9-10) 2. Objectives Apply realistic refusal skills that can effectively be used in pressure situation. Benefits of living an alcohol and drug free lifestyle. Advocate to others the benefits of an alcohol and drug free lifestyle. Identify the negative health effects of drugs. 3. Alcohol-an intoxicating ingredient in beverages. Tobacco-plant leaves prepared for smoking, chewing and snuff. 4. Alcohol’s Immediate Effects: Impairs reaction time and judgment Causes an upset stomach (nausea) Flushes skin color and causes sweating 5. Effects of Chronic Alcohol Use: Brain damage Impaired memory Lowers resistance to fight disease Kidney failure Nutrition deficiencies; obesity Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), mother to child Increased risk of cancers 6. Tobacco Smoke: A Toxic Mix Nicotine + Tar + Carcinogens + 28 other Chemicals = Cigarettes Affects the brain, stomach, mouth, and reproductive organs. -Immediate & Long-Term Effects: Dizziness, rapid pulse, clammy hands, diarrhea Cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, cancers 7. Other Forms of Tobacco Products Spit/Chew-smokeless tobacco that’s absorbed through gums and lining in the mouth. Increased risk of oral cancers – lip, tongue, cheek, and throat 2nd hand smoke (from smoker): Causes coughs, headache, eye irritation, and cancer 8. Quitting!! Reduces risk of developing diseases and cancer. Benefits yourself, family, community, and environment. 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669) 9. Other Drugs Most commonly used drug = marijuana (pot). Stimulants (cocaine, crack, and speed). Prescribed & over-the-counter medications.   **ALL have the same negative effects on your body as alcohol and tobacco, if not worse** 10. Our Goal is to… Reduce negative consequences (physical, emotional, and academic) from using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Promote a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and others. Build constantly on our knowledge by researching. Apply what we know.

Description of Idea

After covering the ATOD lesson, assign the Group activity:
-Directions: Have students get into groups of no more than 5 people and pass out topics (numbered below). Each group’s objective is to create a poster that focuses and details the topic they were given. Students can use their class notes, PowerPoint slides, and their textbooks to provide a decent amount of information. (Activity topics listed below)

1.Peer Pressure
Focusing on…Ways to say “no”, why we should say “no” (personal benefits), and resources/people who can help.
2.Alcohol, short term effects
Focusing on…negative effects (individual, relationships, families, etc.)
3.Alcohol, long term effects
Focusing on…negative effects (individual, relationships, families, etc.)
Focusing on…negative long and short-term effects (individual, relationships, families, etc.)
Focusing on…specific products (cigarettes, first and secondhand smoke, dip and chewing tobacco) and there effects
6.Other Drugs
Focusing on…negative short and long-term effects (individual, relationships, families, etc.)

Assessment Ideas:

Teacher Assessment (during each groups presentation):
Group Members Names _________________
Topic ______________
Presentation Assessment (giving positive feedback and addressing characteristics to work on/need improvement) ___________________________________
Score _____

Student's Peer & Self Assessment (have each student fill out after all groups have presented):
*Grading Rubric and Scores*
1 = group member did not contribute his/her input, ideas, or work to the activity.
2 = group member contributed only some of his/her input and ideas to the activity.
3 = group member contributed to a majority of the project, but lacked in other areas.
4 = group member contributed greatly to the group activity and was actively involved in each step of completion.

Member Name _______ 1 2 3 4
Member Name _______ 1 2 3 4
Your Name _________ 1 2 3 4
(This allows the student to grade each member of their group and evaluate their own involvement in the group activity.)

Additional Comments:

Teaching Suggestions:

The teacher should create a rubric for the poster.

The teacher needs to know that this lesson could be extended to 2 days.

Submitted by Megan Surles in Wilmington, NC. Additional authors for this idea were Source of Infromation came from the textbook. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 8/29/2013.
Viewed 74822 times since 4/15/2013.

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Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD)

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I am looking for this powerpoint as well!


Can you attach the powerpoint file? Maybe show an exemplar on student work.

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