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Name of Activity:

Agility Ability Stars, Squares and Diagrams

Purpose of Activity:

Students will participate in movements that will aid in the development of the skill related fitness component of agility.

Activity cues:

Quick changes of direction, keep center of gravity low, stay on the balls of the feet.


Review information pertaining to the skill related fitness component of agility and how it affects performance in sports and everyday activities.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Tape or chalk to mark several different diagrams: a four foot star on the floor, a square with 4 foot sides, a triangle, octagon, pentagon etc. Each diagram needs to have access to a device with a stopwatch.

Description of Idea

Students will pair up with a partner. One partner times as the other partner traces the points of the star, the square, the triangle etc. with the following movements; shuffle slide, sprint forward, jog backwards, fast pace walk. When students are tracing the diagram with their foot patterns they need to make a sharp precise turn at each point of the pattern. Alternate roles.
Try the activity an assigned number of times and try to improve on time while still accurately tracing the outline of each diagram.


Make the diagrams larger or smaller for students to trace and assign different locomotor skills such as skipping, jumping or hopping while tracing the various diagrams.

Assessment Ideas:

Have the students record their times and try to improve over a few class periods.
Assess SEL by asking students how they were good partners and how they encouraged one another. Include a spot on their time sheets that asks students to record one positive way they helped their partner.

Teaching Suggestions:

This lesson could be a piece of a greater lesson on the skill related fitness concepts. This could be used as a learning center(station) or as an instant activity.
If several diagrams were put on the floor it could also be an entire lesson.
Math concepts could also be incorporated into the lesson.

Submitted by Rachel Holly in Behlehem, PA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 1/25/2022.
Viewed 127277 times since 4/23/2003.

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Agility Ability Stars, Squares and Diagrams

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