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Name of Activity:

Throlf (COVID Throwing Activity)

Purpose of Activity:

A Covid golf-throwing like in person teaching friendly unit and activity.


Appropriate throwing technique

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Throlf ball or item

Description of Idea

Based on the premise of Disc Golf. This game of Throlf uses any ball or throwing item a student can fit into their backpack. This unit is designed to coincide with the stringent guidelines of teaching PE in person during the Covid Pandemic.

Click here to get full unit and activity

Assessment Ideas:

Completeness of map created and score card during game play.

Submitted by Ken Botti who teaches at Seaford in Seaford, NY. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/30/2021.
Viewed 15405 times since 8/13/2020.

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Throlf (COVID Throwing Activity)

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