Title of Bulletin Board: Muscle Memory

Category: Health

Suggested Grade Level: 3-5

Materials: Large skeleton, file folders, muscle pictures, yarn, push pins, cardstock


This bulletin board was designed to help students learn the muscles of the body. Each week I selected a different muscle. I put images of the muscle on the body, used the yarn to direct attention to that particular muscle, and included one card with what the muscle is used for and another card for an exercise integrating that muscle. Each week I review the old muscles that are still on the skeleton before starting the new muscle. In the older grades, students are selected to read the cards, and in the younger grades the teacher usually reads them. I only selected very large muscles and tried to keep them as simple as possible. Muscles included were: quadriceps, calf, deltoid, biceps, and abdominals.

Muscle Memory Image

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Submitted by Jackie Ranieri who teaches at Lionville Elementary School in Glen Mills, PA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 2/2/2009 11:43:52 PM. Viewed 32954 times since 2/1/2009.

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Which teacher store did you find this ??


I found the skeleton at a teacher store, in the science section, it came with another skeleton showing body systems. The muscles were just pictures printed off the internet (found with goggle) and laminated.


Great idea. Where did you find your paper skeleton?