PE Central

PE Central Challenge
Teaching Cues

PE Central

Challenge #5: Partner Throw and Catch

Overhand Throw:

PE Central ICON "Side to target": Point non-throwing side/shoulder to the target (i.e., if left handed thrower, point right shoulder/side towards target).

PE Central ICON "Arm way back": Throwing arm way back behind head.

PE Central ICON "Step": Step with your opposite foot towards target (i.e., if throwing with left hand, step towards target with your right foot).

PE Central ICON "Follow through": Follow through by letting your throwing arm come across the opposite side of your body.

Underhand Throw:

PE Central ICON "Face the target": Belly button should be pointing to the target.

PE Central ICON "Step": Step with your opposite foot towards the target (i.e., if throwing with right hand, step towards target with your left foot)

PE Central ICON "Bowl the ball": Use a pendulum arm motion with the arm you are throwing with (i.e., like you are bowling).

PE Central ICON "Follow through": Follow through to the sky or ceiling with hand your throwing hand.

Catching Cues:

PE Central ICON "Track": Track the ball with your eyes all the way into your hands.

PE Central ICON "Reach": Reach arms towards ball.

PE Central ICON "Give": Give with ball as ball hits hands to make it a soft catch.

PE Central ICON "Pinkies and Thumbs": Pinkies together if ball is below waist. Thumbs together if ball is above waist.

PE Central ICON "Quick Feet": Move your feet quickly to get into position to catch the ball.

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Submitted by Rob Adkins who is at the University of Maryland in Potomac, MD. Thanks for contributing to PE Central!