PE Central Challenge

PE Central Challenge©
Partner Throw and Catch

Task Description:

Throw and catch an object with your hands with a partner 30 times in a row without a miss from a distance of 25 feet. Both catches and throws must be made behind the line. If the throw or catch is not made past the line or a throw is dropped the task must be started again. Each youngster will complete 15 throws and 15 catches for a total of 30.

Pictures/Videos of this Challenge

Administering this Challenge:



Challenge Diagram:

Partner Throw and Catch diagram

Challenge Comments:

Performance Cues:

Cues for the Overhand Throw:

Cues for the Underhand Throw:

Catching Cues:

Practice Tasks:

Ideas Adapting Challenge for Students with Disabilities:

Helpful References for this Challenge:

PE Central Tasks:

Additional information can be found in:

Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S. & Parker, M. (2001). Children Moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education (5th Edition). Mayfield: Mountain View, California.(Throwing and Catching Chapter).

Gabbard, C., Le Blanc, B., & Lowy, S. (1994). Physical education for children: Building the foundation (2nd ed.). Prentice-Hall, Inc.: New Jersey. (Ch.12, Manipulative Skills; pg. 199-207).

Kirchner,G. & Fishburne,G. (1998). Physical education for elementary school children (10th ed.) WCB: McGraw-Hill (Ch. 6; pg. 120-126; 460-463).

Moving into the future: National standards for physical education (from NASPE). (1995). Mosby-Year Book, Inc.: MO.

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